Rohit Baidya making directorial debut in Nepali film industry from 'Mayako Maya'

23 Jan 2025

Rohit Baidya making directorial debut in Nepali film industry from 'Mayako Maya'
KATHMANDU: Rohit Karan Baidya is set to make his directorial debut in Nepali film industry. Rohit, who earned a Masters degree in Directing and Producing Television Entertainment from the National Film and Television School (NTFS) in London, is about to make his directorial debut from the Nepali film ‘Mayako Maya’. He is working with actors like Rajesh Hamal, Anup Bikram Shahi and Ana Sharma in his directorial debut. Following a short break, Nepali movie superstar Hamal is also making his comeback through Rohit’s film. Self-directed and produced, Rohit’s first project w... Read More
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